Friday, February 20, 2009

Jay Asher Visit.

Dear Blog,
Today was the day Jay asher came to Charlotte High School.Shocker,I know.Charlotte is completely sports centered and them having an author come is amazing.Anyway,the day was alright.In first,I watched another part of thirteen days.Then 2nd and 3rd,my group and I created Creme Puffs.They didn't turn out so well.4th hour was AWESOME and Christina and Jenny and gallords more of friends watched Jay Asher speak.

Jay Asher is an amazing,down-to earth author and I can't help but not love,thoughout 4th hour,he spoke and basically told us all about how he created his book.He also showed pictures of himself dressed up.He had one of himself dressed up like a mermaid and some others.So funny.He signed my book and it makes me go squee.lolThe rest of the day passed by like a blur.

Afterschool was the Book Club's time with Jay Asher and we ate it up.Jessica came back and looks better than ever.She was involved in a car crash and hurt badly.She looked very happy and healthy.All the best to Jessica.Anyway,Book Club sat down with Jay Asher and we ate some food.For once,we had fruit.Yummy Fruit.The downside was Jenny wasn't there and went to Band practice instead.Gabby stayed and skipped practice.Go Madame ate the sweets and fruit and actually for once had left overs.That never happens.

Well after munching on food,Christina and myself went up to Jay Asher and got pictures of him with the two of us.Christina also got 2 sheets of paper signed with his signature and then she came back up with The Reading Guide for him to sign.Christina and myself along with other members of Book Club stayed behind and started to talk to him.We had actually good conversation until Ms.Garcia told us we had to leave.Evil Ms.Garcia.Just kidding.We were having so much fun and Jay Asher is amazing,plain and simple.

The next one on Book Club's list is Stephenie Meyer.If that ever happened,the school would go into Mass I loved the day and so did Christina.Right at this moment,Christina is laying on my couch,critiquing Oprah and making me laugh.I heart Book Club,Jay Asher,and of course Christina.<3

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Well today was Prom Committe and it got me thinking about the actual prom.Our theme this year is Ice Palace and it seems really cool.Anyway,I'm conflicted about two people who I want to ask to prom.

One guy always makes me laugh and smile.We just connect easily in conservation and I'm only conflicted about asking him to Prom.I don't want to come off and ask him,then he says no and then its akward between us.That's the only thing that worries me with him.

The second guy has made me open my eyes to new possibilities and I feel easily connected to him as well.You would never think that myself and him could connect but we do.Also,he makes me laugh and smile as well.I'm conflicted that he will look at me differently if I ask him.I don't even think he wants to go to Prom.

Anyway,I don't want to be causing an akward divide between the two guys and myself.My mother is trying to encourage me and so is my sis.I don't know what to do.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wanna Slap A Bitch

Well the title says it all about this day.My day was fine except for 2nd and 3rd hour,which is my 2 periods of cooking for me.I go in thinking the day will be fine and whatever.However,I was wrong.This fucking bitch Tyler comes up to me and says she is gonna kick me out of the group I'm in.She claims I don't do anything and that the rest of them do everything.Bullshit.I wash dishes,I clean the table,I may not always get the ingredients but mainly I do.I've come so close to slapping the shit out of her today.My hand even started to move on it's own toward her cheek.I didn't though.I'm so worried that come tomorrow,if she says anything,I'll beat her down and leave her bloody.I hope that doesn't come to it.Sorry for my constant swear words but I've been so ticked off and I needed to write to release some of my anger.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Renaissance Basketball Game

Today was fun and I got out of 5th and 6th hour.We had a Renaissance Basketball Game for anybody who has a Renaissance sticker on their Student I.D.Well the day started out good and I even registered for my senior year,also I got an A on my Creative Photo Project.Yay!

After 4th hour,I met up with Jenny and Christina for the basketball game.We were playing Fort Myers.My bag was more spirited than probably all three of us.Something was up with their music though.They played music whenever a Time-Out was taken and the songs ranged from The Cha Cha Slide to Man,I Feel Like A Woman to Low.It was interesting and really weird much.In the beginning and threw the game,tons of foul shots were taken from both Charlotte and Fort Myers.During the game one of Fort Myers players were on the ground.All of us thought he was hurt but in fact he got hit in a spot that boys don't like to be hit.The Cheerleaders performed as usual and still if you ask me looked like sluts.In the end,Charlotte lost 51 to 63.Wah! Charlotte sucks at Basketball.